ONCE AGAIN. i cut the inside of my eyelid with a piece of paper and man it hurts like shit...Well, i've never done it before, but it sounds like something that would constantly happen to me. Well, yesterday i found out that im going to Aruba for winter break. WHERE THE FUCK did my parents get the idea that i would enjoy sitting on a plane BY MYSELF for many hours to go see my aunt and uncle in aruba who are stuck in the 80's. TEll me, WHERE THE FUCK DID THEY GET THAT IDEA?? especially since i hate surprise fucking vacations. SO NOW, i have to rearrange ALLLLL my plans that i had for febuary break.....not that i had any...but im sure drinking was involved, and i would really like to keep those plans!...and shit, im not even going with my parents cause they don't believe in the idea of taking off of work, EVEN WHEN i was in the hospital last year....but anyway...sorry for that repressed anger attack...but im going to see my fucking aunt and uncle who think they are the shit cause they have a "house" in aruba. its a fucking shack...well a nice shack. but, yeah, ill work on my non exsistant tan and hang with the natives. See if they got good weed there. that would make Jules happy

extremly happy to think of it.....
OH and my class got cancelled saturday! so that means im getting shit drunk tomorrow:) and its fuckin Hannuka so im gonna get fucking presents! SHit, i rule. On and one of my old friends texted me today..and i was like WHAT THE FUCK??? cause all he said was dead babies at first and i was like....hehehe what? but we talked for a while after that......mind boggleing text. it was funny tho. cause i just read it and it said...Dead Babies. ha..gotta love adam pankin....well, you dont cause hes a fucking raver kid...but hes a good kid...good kid. cause he dropped off my cell phone at 7 in the morning during the summer cause i left it in his car when we were smoking. Isnt that nice? but.....hmm...where am i going with this entry? i guess now where....but hey....its making my fingers work out since this is my only exercise of the day, i think i'll get as much as possilbe...Adam(my brother) is in his room with his girl friend and his door is locked...EWWWWWWWWW. ugh, i hate how my brother actually has a life. Me and him watched Futurama for MANY hours yesterday. AwEsOmElY delicious. so. yeah. only 3 more school days til...Holiday Break, and i think im just gonna skip monday and tuesday, even tho i got a biology mid-term monday and tuesday. He did that, so kids dont skip, which is actually a smart move...but it ain't fucking stopping me. LIke i know the shit anyway??BUTTT i might end up going cause i dont wanna take the fucking easy way outta things, i never did, so why should i start?
thats all i got for now.
have a good day, and a good life.