let me respond to a few comments.
1. Everyone is mad at me for stupid reasons and i use this place to vent, so of course its gonna sound fucking negitive.
2. i didnt think i speak jibba jabba.
3. im 16,and im not allowed to drink cause im supposed to be in rehab. but there are a few obsticles in the way of it. i do have a few...."issues" but hell, i have to work through them to get over it. and im trying hard as fuck.
4. Well thank you for hoping that everything gets easier and i know it does, cause it will. and two steps foward one step back right? ......
But enough about that....Yesterdays christmas celebration was pleaseant. Jill came with us cause she doesnt want to see her dad. we ate, opened a few presents and pow. it was done. we left. And when we got home, my dad drove me to petes house. at first it was pete and his cousin dave but then beau picked us up and we went on the search for weed. It was found. Then me pete and dave smoked. a niiiiiccceee blunt. then beau started getting upset cause us three were high and i was making out with dave in beaus back seat so he decided to drop us all at home

but whatever. this afternoon im going surfing with my dad...even though he probably will try to get himself out of it somehow. but it doesnt matter. im not gonna take anything personally anymore. My parents have problems and certain addictions that i cant blame myself for. Right? and tomorrow im gonna go visit kari for two days. and blah. thats pretty fucking much it. i hope today is fun.
and goodbye all my lovelys