ThisIsNot Jules's Articles In Blogging » Page 2
January 1, 2004 by ThisIsNot Jules
Howdy partners. How are you on this fine evening? I'm doing okay, a bit tired...but im good. Today i went down to Belmar with my dad, and then all over then we ended up in red bank. It was quite lovely. The sun was shining, the breeze was breezing and my hangover was hangovering. Yes, i did get "wild" as all the youngins say...but hey, it was New Years Eve...and i was pretty good. Me, pete and beau were chilling at my house and then when fuckass and kari left, me and pete and beau left to go ...
December 17, 2003 by ThisIsNot Jules
Today, is the first day, i went, to a beauty parlor, in THREE YEARS! -remind me never to go again. But, nah, it was okay...the guy dyed my hair REALL REALLY dark. It looks.....swanky. but that is all for today, besides, today should be thursday, cause then tomorrow could be friday. Also known as Jules-day. DAMNIT BEAU, YOU KNOW ITS TRUE. i rock fridays like NO OTHER PERSON. but, i mean, i must stay humble about it. but once again, this is all for now. Peace and Love and broccilli. (J...
December 8, 2003 by ThisIsNot Jules
HeAdAcHE!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i took some valium...dont worry...ill be fine. School was tidious today. 3 test and lab. FUN?!?! you bet it was.. now, im headaching it up..holler...and talking to steve online cause i can not bear the phone. I need a nap and thank god i dont have homework...well i do...but im sure as hell not doing it. Good grief..the best oxymoron ever.. i just said that to steve, and i was thinking about it. Good Grief.. its beautiful is there anything as bad grief? re...
November 30, 2003 by ThisIsNot Jules
Hell there. i had so many things to write this week, but ever time i sat down to ADD would kick in. And i would stare out my window. But some highlights i must recap! hair- its dyed again. its back to just my or....ummm A natural color. DAARRRkkk brown. it looks quite sexy. well thats what my mom says! hahhahaha im not to fond of it yet. OHHH YEAHHHHH i got permission from the parental units to miss A.A. last night and go out. imagine that. Jules out on a saturday living it up...
November 27, 2003 by ThisIsNot Jules
So, it is Thursday, November 27th 2003. And i am 11 days sober. but in a few hours, i shall be at 0 days...OHHH yeahhh...i love having no will power. but it is all good in the hood as they say because my parents will be making sure i dont get toooo drunk. but anyhoo....i went out last night. 1 up for the Julester. i went to the livingston mall with Atom, Steve, and Bhoomer. Fun was had by all. and today, today is Thanksgiving. We are giving thanks for being upper middle class white people w...
November 26, 2003 by ThisIsNot Jules
Hello friends. To most i am know as Jules. To few i am know as Rusty. And to one i am know as the Wisest Companion. My other site has refused my longing for clarity in words...or am i just incapable..well...whatever the deal, i am here now. i know, isnt this exciting? Well...hmm..recap recap recap....well you know my title, know you must know me. I have been told i am a complicated person. (mad props to dr. silverman for that) i am hated by most and just dealt with by others. but enough a...
January 1, 2004 by ThisIsNot Jules
Howdy partners. How are you on this fine evening? I'm doing okay, a bit tired...but im good. Today i went down to Belmar with my dad, and then all over then we ended up in red bank. It was quite lovely. The sun was shining, the breeze was breezing and my hangover was hangovering. Yes, i did get "wild" as all the youngins say...but hey, it was New Years Eve...and i was pretty good. Me, pete and beau were chilling at my house and then when fuckass and kari left, me and pete and beau left to go ...
December 22, 2003 by ThisIsNot Jules
So. last night. i broke up with steve. I mean, i didn't want to, but i had to cause i didn't want to hurt him anymore. Because right now in the Life of Jules, there is a bit of turbulance. Long story short...he wants a serious relationship, and i can't give that to him right now, and by my actions, that i had used in an approach to further us apart, i had hurt him. AND I REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO...cause i was scared. Scared i had actually found a person who could appreciate me for who i was and...
December 18, 2003 by ThisIsNot Jules
ONCE AGAIN. i cut the inside of my eyelid with a piece of paper and man it hurts like shit...Well, i've never done it before, but it sounds like something that would constantly happen to me. Well, yesterday i found out that im going to Aruba for winter break. WHERE THE FUCK did my parents get the idea that i would enjoy sitting on a plane BY MYSELF for many hours to go see my aunt and uncle in aruba who are stuck in the 80's. TEll me, WHERE THE FUCK DID THEY GET THAT IDEA?? especially since i ...
December 4, 2003 by ThisIsNot Jules
CITIZENS OF MY LIFE~ hello. as weird and twisted it may seem....i think it would be Hitler for a day...when he was alive and all....just to be totally out there. and yeah...ill shut up now. i mean i am "jewish" and all OHHHHHH and shouts to my main man Jason "ULTIMATE FRISBEE RULES" Bergman. we wore almost the exact outfit to school today. Tan cordaroys or as adam k. would say cordagays\emoroys. but those, plaid button up shirt and black sweater over...we looked kickin...AND A...